Saturday, 22 September 2012

I'm back!

Sorry I haven't been writing for a while, I've been massively busy with starting university and turning the big 20! Had the most amazing few weeks of my life though to be honest :-)

So the last time I posted I was talking about GFest, well we managed to get tickets and it was incredible! Clement Marfo and the Frontline, Stooshie, Maverick Sabre and Angel were all there which was just ridiculous! Rich from CMTF ran into me while we were queueing for the toilets, he apologised but he is literally the most beautiful looking person I have ever seen in my life! I couldn't speak! I just mumbled to Dannie who typically was looking in the opposite direction! Then we bumped into some friends who had met some Irish boys who were the cutest things ever! This one called Kevin bought me a snap back, which I had wanted all day! What a great way to pull a girl eh? Buy her best friend a snapback!!!

So these are only some of the photos we took, typically we thought it would be an absolute pig sty and so muddy we rocked up in wellys but the next thing we knew it was absolutely blazing sunlight! It was so hot and I ended up with the most annoying sunburn! It was actually one of the best days of my entire life and I've never been so hungover as I was the next day! Wound up with a massive cold and flu for like the entire week after which also coincided with the start of university! Wouldn't have changed it for the world though!

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